Monday, February 25, 2008

7 Months Old!

Guess who's 7 months old today? More pictures to come (eventually)....

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy President's Day!

I had the day off from work, so naturally, I spent it with P-lo.

We were hanging out and she pulled off her sock and then she grabbed her feet and touched each toe like she was counting them and then she stuck her big toe in her mouth and started sucking on it. According to her mother, it was a first. And I was there to witness it. Unfortunately, my camera was in the other room.

What else? She can hold her bottle by herself, which is good in terms of development, but bad because she keeps squirting herself in the eye with breast milk when she squeezed the bottle nipple with her fingers. Well, at least she has good aim. Except, when she's trying to put cereal in her mouth. She can grab the cereal and bring her hand near her mouth and then open her mouth, but the can't bring it home. She usually drops it into her lap.

If you've ever wondered how many dirty looks a baby can give you, here's your answer:

And one of complete indifference.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We're Back!

It's been 10 days since I've seen Penny and when I did, she looked totally different! Her parents didn't think so, but Coya and I did. She's eating baby food AND little cereal nuggets. But she hasn't figured out how to pick them up and put them in her mouth. I only had my cell phone camera, so apologies for the quality of these pictures.

It was bedtime and Coya and I got to get her changed and she was so much fun!