Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day in the Park

Have I mentioned lately, how cute P-lo is? She's always been an expressive kid, but her personality keeps on developing. She's a very happy baby and her new-ish thing, which I love is that she is waving. She waves good-bye when I leave. She waves at other people, especially if they are kids or babies.

Last weekend, it was warm (or at this point in the 6 month Chicago winter, not freezing cold) and I took Penny to the park.

She's very excited, can't you tell?

On the swings:

Here she is waving to a couple with a toddler who was watching her swing.

Okay, this is no longer fun. If you're not going to keep pushing, get me out.

On the jungle gym:

On a bench watching people:

At home and SOMEONE'S hungry.

What do I do now? (Don't worry, the piece of food only looked massive, I put the camera down to make sure it wasn't a choking hazard. No babies were harmed in the production of this photo set.)

More. Food. NOW!

Guess who dressed her this morning?

Back to fooooood.

That's enough of the picture taking. Beat it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Penny April/May

Penelope is closing in on 10 months! She has six teeth as of 10 days ago. She's cruising...she'll be walking in no time.

I just looked at my camera and I can't I haven't posted the cuteness contained within it.

P-lo likes green. Her father and I tested it out. When given an option, she always goes for the green toy. Well, on that one day.

Penny, Mama, and I went downtown one day to meet Coya and do a little shopping. Guess who doesn't like being strapped in.

Maybe it was just the hat.

Later on, P was thirsty, but there was something wrong with her bottle, so she showed off her developing mad straw skills.

Penny decides to just drink it out of the bottle, but can't get it open.

P-lo attacks the paparazzi. Scandalous!

This is what happens when you're the first one to fall asleep. I'll remember that rule when I'm 80 and PeePee shaves my head while I'm sleeping:

Who is the most fashionable rockstar baby you know?

Last weekend was fried chicken and waffles brunch buffet at Stanley's with Mama, Papa, Coya, Ray, Amber and Coya's sister Seth. Although we didn't get a picture of those guys because, let's face it, Penny is so much cuter than any adult.