Sunday, November 4, 2007

14 Weeks

I got Penelope all to myself on Saturday while her parents were in the suburbs for Ted and Blair's wedding. We had a lot of fun. We played The Stand Up Game. We played the Grab My Hand Game. And we went on two walks--Penny slept while I played Is She Still Breathing, Did the Baby Bjorn Suffocate Her Game.

This is Penny before the walk.

This is Penny after the walk.

Well, that was a quick nap.

Penny tries on her new hat and just about punched my lights out when I laughed.

When she realized she was on camera, it was all smiles.

How about a montage of cute baby in rubber chair? Let's start with my very favorite photo:

She sat in her chair as I ate my dinner and when I picked her up, her diaper leaked and I thought, wow, her pee is REALLY yellow. It wasn't pee. So a quick sink bath later, someone got a comb-over.

The next morning P got her first shower.

Grandpa Ed wanted to make sure we got a photo of her fancy shoes.

1 comment:

Diane said...

She is sooo adorable! I'm so hooked on this blog...hopefully we can start setting up playdates for Penny and Allie soon! : )